The ID Connect Difference
Cost-Effective, Comprehensive, Infectious Diseases Care Provided by Academic ID Physicians
Infectious Disease Connect is your trusted partner in delivering expert ID telemedicine services, improving care, and strengthening hospital efficiency.
Cost-Effective Care and Real Client Results
20% Reduction in Average Length of Stay for infectious disease patients
$1.25M in annual savings with virtual antimicrobial stewardship
Annual cost-savings of $855,753 through reduced ID patient average length of stay
More than Just a Physician on a Screen
With live hands-on exams provided by your nurse tele-presenters, with the aid of HD video and Bluetooth technology, your patients receive hands-on exam while ID physicians consult in real time.
Reach out to our sales team to learn more about our live, synchronous exams, and additional options for ID consults.
Quality Patient Care
Our telemedicine approach stands apart. With the support of a nurse tele-presenter, we deliver hands-on exams that offer patients an exceptional experience, connecting them to world-class academic infectious disease physicians.
Scalable & Flexible
We collaborate closely with our partners to provide tailored solutions, including ID telemedicine, infection prevention and control, and antimicrobial stewardship programs.
Partners Who Trust Us
We partner with hospitals and health systems of all sizes, from small rural facilities to large, complex networks. Many consider us the “gold standard” in telemedicine services, thanks to our commitment to excellence and tailored care.