Infectious Disease Connect and UNM SRMC Release Groundbreaking White Paper on Telemedicine’s Impact on Infectious Disease Care - Infectious Disease Connect Infectious Disease Connect and UNM SRMC Release Groundbreaking White Paper on Telemedicine’s Impact on Infectious Disease Care - Infectious Disease Connect

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Infectious Disease Connect and UNM SRMC Release Groundbreaking White Paper on Telemedicine’s Impact on Infectious Disease Care

Infectious Disease Connect is proud to announce the release of a new white paper in partnership with University of New Mexico Sandoval Regional Medical Center (UNM SRMC) detailing the transformative impact of their partnership. The white paper, titled “Reducing Infectious Diseases (ID) Patient Average Length of Stay Through ID Telemedicine in Short Term Acute  Care Hospitals,” delves into the challenges faced by UNM SRMC and the significant benefits realized through the integration of Infectious Disease Connect’s innovative ID telemedicine and tele-OPAT (outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy) programs.

The white paper highlights the critical issue of disparities in infectious disease care and showcases how telemedicine can be a powerful tool in bridging these gaps. One of the key findings of the study is the 20% reduction in the average length of stay (ALOS) for infectious diseases patients.

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