Testimonials - Infectious Disease Connect Testimonials - Infectious Disease Connect


What our partners are
saying about ID Connect

Quality, commitment, best practices … Our partners have a great deal to say about what we do well. And their words mean more than what we could say about ourselves. 

RN, BSN, Director, Telemedicine

As a longtime partner of ID Connect’s telemedicine, antimicrobial stewardship, and software services, Armstrong Center for Medicine & Health, a rural, community hospital located in Western PA, has benefitted greatly. Hear more from Dr. James Backstrom, CMO, ACMH Hospital in the video below.

I feel like we have brought this community hospital into a realm that is state of the art.

James Backstrom, M.D.ACMH Hospital

Elizabeth Piccione, M.D., President, UPMC Jameson and UPMC Horizon 

Pharmacy Specialist, Infectious Diseases 

Read More Client Results & Case Studies

Case Study – How One Small Health System Saved $1M a Year with Virtual Antimicrobial Stewardship  

How Telemedicine is Reshaping Infectious Diseases Care in Community Hospitals

Journal Article: New Study Suggests Tele-Infectious Diseases Care is an Effective Alternative to In-Person ID Care

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